Saturday, February 28, 2009

Triathlon for Bandipur!

I want to tell you all a story. Until recently, I never considered myself an athlete. I was the one struggling for the 100 yard dash, who would role her ankle just playing tennis and huffed and puffed when doing anything physical.

That has changed for me recently. What made me change? A sappy Nike commercial and wishing for a trip to Nepal. It is the trip to Nepal I want to tell you about…and ask for your help.

Several years ago my friend Jeannie went on a trip to the small town of Bandipur, Nepal. Since then she has raised money for plumbing for their school and a new home for an elderly couple who were walking two hours to and from work every day. I’ve dreamt of going with her, but there was one big obstacle—the trip requires a long walk up a mountain and I was out of shape.

So last year around this time, I started running. My goal was to run a mile without stopping. It took me over two months. In May of last year, I ran a whole mile. In November, I ran my first 5K. In just two weeks, March 14—just a year after I started on this journey--I’m doing my first triathlon.

For some of you, this may be no big deal. But for those who know me well, I’m not a petite woman. This is a very big deal for me. And I’m doing it as a means to an end—to get in shape so I can get up that mountain in Nepal.
But here’s the next challenge. I don’t want to go to Nepal empty handed. So, I set another very ambitious goal. I want to raise $10,000 to take to the town of Bandipur to help them buy books, supplies and provide better structures for their schools. My goal is to raise it in time to go this coming November.

This is where I need your help. If everyone who reads this note sends me $15, then I can raise $10,000! And to what other organization can you donate where you know the person who is actually making sure it goes where it is supposed to go?

So just reply and let me know that you’re in right now. I’ll find you and remind you to send it when it is convenient for you. And no guilt if you can’t do it--I totally understand.

Thank you. And if you’ve ever doubted about the power of goals and dreams, then let me remind you that anything is possible.

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