Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Run Around The Universe

Our third 5K. They're almost becoming normal now. That is actually very cool for me.

This one was pretty awesome because it was held at Universal Studios. We started in the bus parking lot, ran through City Walk, ran all the way around Islands of Adventure and then through the back lots of Universal Studios and then through the "streets" of Universal Studios. We ran out the front gates and then ended right in front of the Hard Rock Cafe. All along the route were Universal employees with cute signs, cowbells and cheers. It was very easy not to think about the run because there was so much to look at along the way.

But what was cool about this one is the role that Eric had. He came with us because Robb was gone for the day and I had to do a training afterwards--I didn't want him home alone. So, he said goodbye to us at the starting line and then was walking to where the race ended. But I ran into him about a third-mile in waiting to cheer us on. I passed him and said "C'mon, Eric, run with me." He got this big surprised smile on his face and said he would. About another third of a mile, he turned to me and said "When should I stop." I said "Don't stop. Run the whole thing with me." His face lit up again and he decided to go for it.

Now, this is big for Eric. He was impressed with what Kyle and I were doing, but he didn't think he could do it. He didn't want to "train." He didn't think he could run. But before he knew it, we were half way through. Poor kid was running in his jeans with a big, bulky sweatshirt, but he was running. And he had to stop and walk sometimes, but luckily for him, I'm a really slow runner so he could walk a little and then run and catch up. We talked along the way and I made sure to tell him several times how proud I was of him. It was a real treat to see his face light up when I said that.

We finished at 42.10. That is 15 seconds longer than my last race. But considering that I ran a little slower for Eric, I consider that a great success.

For the triathlon, I feel confident that I can do the run. And I've done 15 mile bike rides a couple of times now without much problem (a sore butt the next day). I'm working on the swimming. Tonight I had my second swim this week and I think I can do the 1/4 mile.

Yesterday, I officially signed up for TWO triathlons-- a short sprint (1/4 mile swim, 12 mile bike, 2 mile run) in March and then a full sprint in May (1/2 mile swim, 16 mile bike and 3.1 mile run). I need to get the swim going, but I don't think I'll die.

The training continues. But I'm really enjoying it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are freakin super woman!